#MondayMotivation: The Power of Daily Affirmations

#MondayMotivation: The Power of Daily Affirmations

You might look to others for inspiration or motivation — but most powerful motivating force comes from within.

A while back, I read an article about “daily affirmations.” They’re simple things you say or write to yourself every day that eventually go way beyond simple motivation — and can actually influence and change your entire mindset.

It’s all about controlling your own thoughts and shaping the way you look at things. Think of it like “getting back what you put out there,” or “speaking something into existence.”

You might look to others for inspiration or motivation — but most powerful motivating force comes from within.

By repeating these simple phrases to yourself every day — out loud, or even writing them down in a journal — you can change your entire outlook on life. And whatever it is you seek will actually manifest itself.

They can be words of encouragement, or simply acknowledging the things that are already going right for you.

If you’re focusing on your health and well-being, you might say something like “I deserve to be healthy and feel good,” or “I radiate positive energy.”

If it has to do with your job or career, you might say “My actions create boundless opportunities,” or “I am open to receiving the accolades that come from my hard work.”

One of my favorite daily affirmations is: “I am on my way to becoming the best possible version of myself.”

Remember: YOU are your own biggest supporter. Whatever it is you want to accomplish, if you tell yourself you can do it, YOU CAN DO IT — as long as you believe it yourself.

Have daily affirmations worked for you? What are some of YOUR favorite daily affirmations? Share them with me in the comments below! 📲
