My Hands: What you CAN’T see…

My Hands: What you CAN’T see…

I haven’t posted much lately… mostly because I’ve been spending a lot of time at our new house — getting things ready for our BIG MOVE!

It’s been a LOT of work… but I am SO excited to begin our next chapter in our BEAUTIFUL new home. 🏠

That said, MOVING can be mentally and physically exhausting for ANYONE — let alone for someone who has trouble MOVING to begin with.

In honor of #ArthritisAwarenessMonth, I wanted to share this photo I took of my hands last night.

I’ve done a lot with these hands. They’ve changed significantly over the past few years. Luckily for me, you can SEE the effect that severe rheumatoid arthritis has had on my body.

That isn’t always the case for many people who live with arthritis. In fact, when I was first diagnosed, you couldn’t SEE that there was anything “wrong” with me.

There’s actually a LOT you CAN’T see — like the fact that my feet are just as (if not much more) disfigured than my hands, and that it hurts to wear shoes, let alone walk.

You can’t see the constant PAIN that I — and millions of others just like me who live with some form of arthritis — experience every single day.

You don’t see the mental toll this horrible disease takes on your psyche and overall well-being — to not be able to do things you once enjoyed doing, and to wonder how you’re going to be able to do them in the future.

You don’t see the constant fatigue and “brain fog” that’s even MORE prevalent during painful FLARES.

For millions of men, women and children — arthritis is an “invisible” disease. That’s why I want to do my part to create AWARENESS about arthritis — and YOU can HELP.

I’ve met so many incredible people from all across the country through my involvement with the ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION — fellow arthritis warriors, doctors, volunteers, friends & family members who are making a difference in the lives of millions of Americans who are living with some form of arthritis.


I encourage YOU to visit to learn more — and help change the lives of people living with arthritis where you live. 🙏❤️
