Hip Hip Hooray! My HIPS are EIGHT today!

Hip Hip Hooray! My HIPS are EIGHT today!

Eight years ago today, I was wheeled in for what would ultimately be a 12+ hour surgery to have both of my hips replaced.

I could barely walk. My hips were grinding bone-on-bone. My appearance had changed dramatically due to being off of my medications for so long while we were trying to conceive. I was bloated, nervous, and in incredible pain.

We knew that Amy was pregnant by that point, but was considered high-risk — so we wouldn’t make the public announcement until a few months later, once we were sure she was in the clear.

While I would have both knees replaced just 14 months later (and still need to have both of my feet corrected as well), I’m forever grateful to Dr. Tom Ellis and his incredible team for giving me back my mobility; to my GDC family for sticking with me through a difficult time (and even wheeling me in to the set every morning; the Arthritis Foundation and Arthritis Foundation Ohio for their incredible support; Dr. Lee and the Columbus Arthritis Center for their incredible care (how fitting that I was just there today for my last Rixuan infusion of 2021!)

And, most of all, I am thankful for YOU for being here with me on this crazy journey. Whatever you’re facing, never give up. It gets better. Step by step. Trust me. 🙏❤️

#PSNeverGiveUp #PetesProgress