Infusion Day!

Infusion Day!

INFUSION DAY! Feeling pretty tired after today’s Rituxan infusion. I receive Rituximab treatments every six months to treat my severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms (two four-hour infusions, two weeks apart).

Scheduling them can be challenging, for a number of reasons.

First off, the treatments are INCREDIBLY expensive — and require preauthorization from insurance. Thankfully, many drug companies offer co-pay assistance programs to help offset the cost of biologic treatments. Even then, it can sometimes be a hassle making sure everything is covered — so you’re not paying thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Thankfully I have a pretty amazing support squad!

The TIMING can also be a challenge. January and July have kind of become “my months” for infusions. In January, I look at my treatments as a great way to start off the year. In July, we take our annual family vacation — I have to figure out if I should get my first round of Rituxan BEFORE we leave (which I have done before) or AFTER we get back — which is what I did this year!

Delaying my first round can be challenging, because my body lets me know when it’s time for my treatments. I was already starting to flare — so driving 10 hours through the night (and back home) isn’t the most comfortable thing to do when you’re already in pain, let alone playing on the beach and in the ocean!

But getting that first round BEFORE we go can be challenging — because the treatments can also affect my body’s ability to fight off infections. (Check my posts from a couple of years ago when I endured an INCREDIBLY nasty and painful bout of shingles!) So getting that first round, then traveling, and then receiving that second round when we get home can sometimes throw my body out of whack.

As for today’s treatment, I’m just feeling tired. (Benadryl is part of my pre-treatment medication routine — so that always makes me sleepy.) But l can already feel the medication making its way through my body — and “re-programming” the way it processes inflammation.

So today, I’m just grateful to have a treatment that works, a sweet parking spot (membership has its privileges!) and snuggles with Doctor Pappy and my support squad. 🙏♥️ #PSNeverGiveUp

#RAwarrior #chronicillness #chronicpain #arthritis