Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting this. 😷
As I explained in my previous post, the treatments I receive to treat and manage my rheumatoid arthritis really do a number on my immune system.
I received my first infusion of 2025 on January 21st. Less than a week later, last Sunday, I was laid up with a fever of 103.2°. 🤒
My fever broke, and I was hoping that I was on the mend. I was also trying to avoid taking any antibiotics, as they could interfere with my infusion schedule.
This past Saturday, we had a gig scheduled with the band. I still wasn’t feeling 100% but decided to try to power through the night. I didn’t make it.
I felt feverish and dizzy. I could feel my joints flaring up. I could hardly stand. This this was the first gig I have never played all the way through to the end of the night. (HUGE thanks to the guys in the band for taking things all the way to 1:00AM and for helping me load my gear.)
When I got home, my temperature ranged from 102°-104°. 🥵 I messaged my primary care doctor, took some Tylenol, drank a bunch of BodyArmor and water and went to sleep. My fever broke in the middle of the night. I slept pretty much all day, until we went to my parents’ house for dinner (the kids stayed at their place Saturday night.)
After dinner, I felt the fever wave washing over me again. Last night it was between 101° and 102°. My fever broke and returned multiple times overnight. I ended up changing my shirt three times. 😰
Thankfully, my primary care doctor was able to see me this morning. Antibiotics prescribed. She said with my immune system the way it is, it makes me susceptible to not just viruses and bacterial infections, but also fungal infections — so I had a chest X-ray taken to make sure I’m not dealing with a fungal infection/pneumonia. 🦠
So… it looks like I’ll be delaying my RA treatments until I feel better. Which will hopefully be very, very soon.
It’s easy to share all of the good stuff that happens in our lives — hopefully by sharing the not-so-good stuff, it’ll remind my fellow chronic disease warriors that they’re not alone — and to NEVER GIVE UP. 🙏♥️